Cannabis Hot Chocolate

Cannabis Hot Chocolate

Perfect for a rainy day or a chilly fall or winter night, this Hot chocolate is guaranteed to keep you nice and cozy for hours past its consumption with the addition of a little Cannabis to the ingredients. It’s hard to beat staying warm and comfortable while enjoying your favorite medication on a cool night. Give it a try sometime. First things first, as always we need to have our Cannabutter ready. If you don’t have it, the recipe ratio is 1...

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Mac ‘n Cheese

Mac ‘n Cheese

Arguably the highest-tier of comfort food Macaroni and Cheese has a place in the hearts and minds of many in the Western world. Well, it just got a whole more comfortable for the addition of Cannabis into the ingredient list of some truly delicious cheesy pasta. Imagine yourself enjoying a hearty bowl of Macaroni and Cheese, and an hour or so after your dinner you relax on the couch and slowly but surely your THC high lands in on you adding to...

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